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"深 / 刻 2 0 2 2 " 当代艺术展

深 / 刻 2 0 2 2








学术支持:郭桢 蒋奇谷 徐冰



李鹏波 张爽 郑学武 徐冰 周平 患僧 孟小为 蒋贞蕾 郭桢 花花 胡军强 李心沫 雅公子 黄玉琳 王晓蓉 王聪 金楠稀 马鸣 谢雯 黄庆军 张晓丽 苏红星 邱萍 何唯娜 何雨 刘枫华 姚昕 雪芹子 周巧云 刘晓雪 周燕 赵依依 许静宇 陈默 王锐安 魏琳 严隐鸿 黄敏

李鹏波 (Li Pengbo)


Light, Installation, 2022

张爽 (Stella Zhang)

《即时反应》,混合媒体,41x58x25 厘米,2022年

"immediate reaction", 41x58x25 CM, Mixed Media, 2022


郑学武 (Xuewu Zheng)


“World” series #9Charcoal on paper,45”x38”,2021

徐冰 (Xu Bing)


周平 (Ping Zhou )


Food・Winter,oil oncavas,60×146cm,by Ping Zhou,2022


患僧 (Huan Seng)



孟小为 (Meng Xiaowei)

《“四个警察和一个女人”原题“五个警察一个0”》,材质:艺术微喷 尺寸可变, 2022年11月19日

“1926年6月司徒乔的《五个警察一个O》画作。O在这里似乎是一个不确定身份的人,也就是说可以不是具体的疑犯,那么我们理解O是被缉拿者意识形态化了的慨念,也可能是你。我用读图和图的主题文字"五个警察一个O "解构一个形态代码,用两张不同图像的一个平面处理来寻找原代码的实相。可能与不可能的前提都是指涉你是什么样的身份问题。这个身份是具体操作的逻辑结果。”

蒋贞蕾 (Zelene Jiang Schlosberg)

《启》,帆布,丙烯、线,51 x 51 x 3.8 厘米,2022年

Launch, canvas, acrylic, thread, 51 x 51 x 3.8 cm, 2022

“在 《启》中,一个戴着锁链的黄色女性形象与粉色和橙色的动植物群的无端温馨形成鲜明对比。这个形象可以说代表了我们社会中的受害者,也代表了引领我们所谓人类进步的那些人的牺牲。”

"In Launch, the image of a yellow female figure in chains contrasts against the gratuitous warmth of pink and orange flora and fauna. The figure could be said to represent the victims in our society, but also the sacrifice of those who lead our so-called humanity's progress."

郭桢 (Zhen Guo)

《逝》,墨 雕塑 报纸 镜子 木板 不锈钢 60 x 32 x 12cm 2022年





花花 (Hana Jiang)

《首次晚餐》,布面丙烯、蛋彩, 122cm x 61.5厘米,2021年

胡军强 (Hu Jun Qiang)

《铁链系列》 180x97厘米,纸本水墨,2022年

李心沫 (Xinmo Li)

《生之地》,雕塑, 2022年


雅公子 (Ya Gongzi)


黄玉琳 (Helen Huang)



王晓蓉 (Wang Xiaorong)



王聪 (Cong Wang)


金楠稀 (Nancy Jin)

Tap Tap, Material: stoneware, Size: 16.5” x 5.5” x1”

"Tap Tap是我们当下的产物--在一个物理世界里,在一个全球大流行病的导航下,少了触摸,多了距离感的环境。纵观历史,粘土一直被用来保存记录、装饰空间和创造一系列的功能性物品。灵感来自于在家工作、上在线课程以及通过平面屏幕和光滑的键盘进行交流,《Tap Tap》利用键盘的形式来突出物理交流。用纸粘土铸造的 "Tap Tap "是对时间流逝的一种视觉和物质记录。”

"Tap Tap is a product of our present moment–a touch less, distancing environment in a physical world navigating a global pandemic. Throughout history, clay has been used to keep records, decorate space, and create a range of functional objects. Inspired by working from home, taking online classes, and communicating through flat screens and smooth keyboards, Tap Tap uses the form of the keyboard to foreground physical communication. Cast in paper clay, Tap Tap is a visual and material record of time passing."

马鸣 (Ma Ming)



谢雯 (Wen Xie)


Angry Women Will Change the World, ink and colour on paper, 21x21.5cm,2022


"Justify women's anger. Only by maintaining enough anger and dissatisfaction can we change the current situation faced by women and change the world."

张晓丽(长治)(Zhang Xiaoli)

《黑白之道》 纸本综合 45*69.5厘米,2022年

苏红星 (Su Hongxing)



邱萍 (Qiu Ping)


何唯娜 (He Weina)


“从希腊塔丽亚女神花冠,到犹太人荆棘冠到东方社会缅怀性花环,这些环的合成物至少圈定了属于当下人类疫情的全部疆域和完全的有关赞颂与悼 念的反思:人 类给当代戴上类耶稣的花环,受难是为了救赎。而有效的艺术可以备注为:艺术,在某些特定的暗黑环境中,是为了给救赎行为点上一盏灯。










黄庆军 (Huang Qingjun)

《主播的家当-田斌+逗你玩》, 摄影,2021年12月

The Stuffs of Live Streamers-Tian Bin the Comedian 2021.12


“The sudden pandemic in 2020 has limited our outdoor activities. People’s daily life and expending habits have changed dramatically during the past two years. We that live in the post-pandemic era tend to know the society through smartphones, thus making short video streaming rooms a pathway to show talent. <The Stuffs of Live Streamers>series become an epitome for Internet changes, personal success, productivity development and expenditure upgrade. Our focus on their ‘stuff’ and living tools bear witness to the changes and development of our times.”

何雨 (He Yu)


Untitled,Video, 2018

点击链接查看视频 click the link to review the work

作品描述:女子双手不断撞击几个方形冰块, 每一次撞击都会有细微的小冰屑飞溅出去, 随着撞击的更为频繁, 有一些小东西被冰块的不断解体而释放出来。 最终在融化的冰面之上, 三三两两地躺衣着各一的小人偶。

刘枫华 (Fenghua Liu)


姚昕 (Stella Yao)

《大都会 》,丙烯, 30厘米×30厘米,2020年

Metropolitans Medium: Acrylic Dimension: 30cm×30cm,2020 “在这一条陌生的道路上,充斥着不安与危险。路上的灯光如同镜花水月。虽然前方未知的恐惧笼罩着我,我唯一知道的事情是,我必须继续前进。”

"People who don't have a concrete image are walking on a road with an unknown end which is inscrutable and insecure. The lights on the roadside are no longer real, like the lights of flowing water.The only thing I know is that I have to keep going, but ahead unknown fear envelopes me."

雪芹子 (Simi)

《拥抱 系列之三十四》,水墨画,180cmX90cm


周巧云 (Qiaoyun Zhou)

《浓雾1005》 78cmx62cm 纸本水墨 2022年

Thick Fog1005 78cmx62cm Ink on paper 2022


"The rendering of each piece of color is to convey the experience of self-living environment and space. In the calm flow, there is a hidden indulging of its expansion. Many seemingly the same colors have different changes in the details. Beauty but hidden in everyday life is a subtle and unspeakable mystery and absurdity, integrating the struggle and pain of female identity in the current environment, anxiety and longing, mixed with a fear of the unknown and a sense of peace and happiness that grow with experience."

刘晓雪 (Katie Xiaoxue Liu)

《自画像,这世界会好吗?》 纸上水彩,12x16英寸,2022年

Self portrait, Do we have a future? watercolor painting,12x16 in,2022

周燕 ( Yan Zhou)



赵依依 (Yiyi Zhao)





许静宇 (Jingyu Xu)


Blank, 0’15’’ video, 2022

陈默 (Mo Chen)



About the mysteries in the world of mortals

About the heartbeat in the grave

《红尘 》,布面混合材料,2022年

Red Dust,Mixed mediums on canvas,2022


heartbeat_in_tomb.gif New media: gif, Mo Chen, 2022

王锐安 (Ryan Wang)


Collage on iPad,2022


"Cities, meadows, small animals, time and space. In the world we live in, I think the environmental changes brought by the change of time are tearing for me. I often think of the river, the land, and the little turtles swimming in the water when I was a child. Are they still what they used to be? What kind of steel base have they become?"

魏琳 (Lin Wei)

《门把》,木板上的油画, 8x8 英寸,2022年

Doorknob,Oil on wood panel, 8” x 8”,2022

“我的油画一直以肖像为主,因为它可以直接反映人性,表达情感。 事实上,肖像创作已宗教般地占据了我的世界数年…… 但最近世界的变化,让我反复反思艺术存在的真实性和宗教性。介于各种原因,我觉得有必要暂时躲开肖像,由此,画了这幅安静的‘门把’。”

“Most of my oil paintings are portraits, because I want to express honest—even unbridled— emotions. In fact, painting creative portraits has dominated my art like a religion for many years. But now, with the recent changes in the world, I am forced to reflect on the wisdom of this experience. After all, there is a tension that comes with painting faces that stare back at me. Let me just calmly paint the image of this doorknob. ”

严隐鸿 (Yinhong Yan)



黄敏 (Min Huang)

《无题》, 纸本水墨,2022年


Three years of the epidemic, people who appeared to have entered modern civilized society back to their original form. Kafkaesque society makes what happens every day painful. The ugliness of human nature and the tearing of values are exposed intensively; Being an ordinary individual is full of helplessness and anxiety.

The Scripture also says,:"Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners ,and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering。”


Thank you to all participating artists and all artists who are committed to advancing art, breaking boundaries, and enlightening conscience.

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